What to expect from a session
20/30 Minute Sessions
In these sessions, we focus on working with one thing only.
Supplement and heart wall sessions are perfect for these
timeframes. Heart wall sessions we only find the emotions stuck in the heart wall as trauma and release these emotions. For a supplement session, we will only find what the body needs (essential oils, vitamins and minerals and superfoods). Remember the consultant is not a medically trained professional and therefore does not advise you to leave any medications or to take any medications.
40 Minute Sessions
These sessions are more focused on health problems / deep
emotional problems. Here we take a deep inquiry into possible underlying causes and symptoms. We focus on holistic wellness restoring one-self emotionally and physically. The focus of this session is to help people to resolve or alleviate physical discomfort, such as Digestive troubles, tiredness all the time, lack of energy, trouble sleeping, itchy eyes or hives, lack of mobility, etc. Or possible emotional anguish and emotional imbalances such as anxiousness, sadness, fear, reliving bad memories, food relationship, poor focus, imbalance, unhappy, uneasy, stressed
60 Minute Session
The more time we have, the more we can do. These sessions are more focused on health problems / deep emotional problems. Here we take a deep inquiry into possible underlying causes and symptoms. We focus on holistic wellness restoring one-self emotionally and physically. The focus of this session is to help people to resolve or alleviate physical discomfort, such as Digestive troubles, tiredness all the time, lack of energy, trouble sleeping, itchy eyes or hives, lack of mobility, etc. Or possible emotional anguish and emotional imbalances such as anxiousness, sadness, fear, reliving bad memories, food relationship, poor focus, imbalance, unhappy, uneasy, stressed.
Please note that the sessions are based on 30 – min and 60 –minute sessions and that the body can at any time decide it does not have the capacity to deal with further emotions now. In the session, the therapist will constantly ask the body if there is another trapped emotion we can release now if your body says no,
the session will end.